adventures in elisp

samer masterson

hiking manhattan

I couldn’t go hiking today because the ticket to the hiking spot was $25 roundtrip. So I decided to “hike” from the bottom of manhattan to the top. I took some pictures. It was actually kind of intensely boring, I’m surprised I made it all the way to the top. The middle of manhattan is all clean and nice, it doesn’t get interesting until you reach harlem. It took me like 4 hours.

My gear: barely enough water (had to buy a bottle on the way up), notebook for writing thoughts, keys, knuth, and rubber bands for self-defense.

Saw some pidgeons at the bottom of manhattan. They’re so cute!

This pidgeon’s name is jeffery.

Started at the bottom…

Cool, cool water :)

Tried to pry this off so I could join the ninja turtles. Down with shredder!

That sign says “the bronx”.

“Those are some good pictures” - eric shoyang. This is my artistic interpretation of the harlem river.